Thermodynamic Nature of Time

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Session PreConference 02: Thermodynamic Nature of Time

10:00-11:15. Friday April 22, 2022

Chair: Ram Poudel

Title: Thermodynamic Nature of Time


  • Mieczyslaw Dobija

(Cracow University of Economics, Cracow, Poland)


Mieczyslaw Dobija, born in April 1943. Scientific career levels consist of mathematics studies at the Jagiellonian University. PHD obtained in 1975 at the Cracow University of Economics as well postdoctoral degree in economics in 1990. He obtained the title of professor in 1993 and from 1999 he worked as full professor. He received an honorary doctorate from the State University of Technology in Zhitomyr (Ukraine) in 2004. He deals with the theory of accounting and economics, studying the thermodynamic foundations of these sciences. An important result of this search is the explanation of a capital category, a model for measuring human capital of employees and the theory of fair remuneration. He is interested in the history of natural sciences and prehistory. He did many research focused on the economics of the Three Seas as the organization of the future with leadership of Poland. Continued research in the field of human capital led to an understanding of the thermodynamic basis of the theory, which resulted in the identification of the existence of an economic constant. Further studies revealed that this natural constant determines the rate of transformation of the original energy of life into personal human capital. An important conclusion emerged that the constant determines the rate at which time passes. Collaboration with the world of natural sciences in particular organization IAISAE began, with research into the thermodynamic basis of the physical, economic and social sciences. ****************************************************************************************** Jurij Renkas, born in Maj 1988. PhD. Assistant Professor in the Department of Accounting at the Cracow University of Economics. Author of publications on the theory of measurement of human capital and wages adequate to its level. Currently, the theory of human capital growth is the main field of his original research. He also works on issues of economic theory and growth in the economy. He conducts intensive research on the thermodynamic basis of human capital accounting. In 2022, he received an award from the Central Bank of Ukraine and Academy of Accounting Excellence for his monograph on the role of human capital and fair wages in the development of Ukraine's economy.


  • Mieczyslaw Dobija

(Cracow University of Economics, Cracow, Poland)

  • Jurij Renkas

(Cracow University of Economics, Cracow, Poland)

Abstract:PreConference 02.114


The definition of time formulated by Isaac Newton was created in the 17th century, so naturally it could not refer to thermodynamics, which significantly influences thinking about time. The essential content of the definition is the statement that time is absolute and flows uniformly independent of all events. This paper modifies this definition of time by pointing out that time is a manifestation of a thermodynamic process, it flows uniformly, at a rate determined by a suitable natural constant. The constant has a value of 0.08 [1/year] and indicates the natural, mathematical connection of the passage of time with the cyclic motion of the planet Earth, and therefore with the calendar. The thermodynamic process involves the transformation of the primary energy of modern man’s life into his human capital, i.e., his ability to act and perform useful work. The term presented is conciliatory to the natural and social sciences.