Country Representatives
The following are country representatives nominated for the International Conference on Thermodynamics 2.0.

Country/Region | Name | Affiliation |
Australia | Ramil Nigmatullin | University of Sydney |
Belgium | Serban Scrieciu | European Commission |
Canada | Vaclav Smil | University of Manitoba |
China | Yi-Fang Chang | Yunnan University |
Croatia | Josip Stepanic | University of Zagreb |
France | Serge Galam | CEVIPOF | SciencesPo |
Germany | Ingo Müller | University of Berlin |
Greece | Spyros Tzafestas | National Technical University of Athens |
Hungary | Róbert Kovács | Eotvos Roland Physical Society of Hungary |
India | Ashok Sengupta | Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur |
Israel | Alec Groysman | Technion, Israel |
Italy | Pier Luigi Gentili | University of Perugia |
Mexico | Karo Michaelian | Instituto de Fisica, UNAM |
Nigeria | Nathaniel Umukoro | Edo University |
Pakistan | Mirza Beg | PCSIR |
Poland | Mieczysiaw Dobija | Cracow University of Economics |
Portugal | Tania Sousa | Instituto Superior Técnico |
Puerto Rico | Luis Balbino Arroyo Col´on | Puerto Rico |
Russia | Georgi Gladyshev | Institute of Chemical Physics |
South Africa | John van Breda | Stellenbosch University |
Spain | Carlos Pérez | Comillas Pontifical University |
Turkey | Ümit Güneş | Yildiz Technical University |
UK | Michael Joffe | Imperial College London |
Ukraine | Octavian S. Ksenzhek | Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology |
USA | Seth Lloyd | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Venezuela | Klaus Jaffe Carbonell | Universidad Simón Bolívar |
You have a recommendation to the list, please email us at
Participant from the country listed on the World Bank list of Low and Middle Income Economies may apply for honorarium up to $ 1000 in order to participate this conference. One of our sponsors has underwritten this support for up to 5 persons meeting specified criteria.
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