Presenter Technical Success Checklist


Welcome to Thermodynamics 2.0 | 2022 conference! Please go through this page if you have been scheduled to make a presentation at this international conference.  We are preparing for up to 150 attendees, and we have a total roster of roughly 70 speakers from over 26 countries worldwide.  This conference is being held at Appalachian State University in Boone, North Carolina, USA on July 18th–20th, 2022 in HYBRID mode, with ONLINE option to join over the Zoom. Here is the ZOOM landing page for the conference:

You will need Meeting ID and Password to join the conference.

This is a new and exiting experience for us.  We do expect that this will be a learning experience for all involved, and there will undoubtedly be some technical problems.  However, please be assured that we are making every effort to ensure that it proceeds with as few technical glitches as possible.


a)    Internet access

We will be asking you to connect with the conference using ZOOM.   It is critical that the person making the presentation has adequate communications bandwidth, and that it be dependable.  This can be affected by the company that provides your ISP services, or it can be affected by the circumstances in your home or office.  ZOOM suggests the following bandwidth for a connection:  Minimum bandwidth is 600 kbps (up/down) and recommended is 1.5 Mbps (up/down).   You can check your Internet bandwidth using a tool such as Speedtest, which can be downloaded from here:

Some helpful questions to ponder:

  • What is the rated bandwidth of your connection to your ISP?
  • Does your ISP have a history of stable service?
  • Are you accessing the internet through a wireless WiFi connection, or via a cable connected to a modem?
  • Does the time of your presentation coincide with peak traffic time for your ISP in your location?

b)    Presentation hardware platform

Here are some more questions:

  • What kind of computer hardware will you be using to connect to the conference? Personal computer, Laptop, Tablet?
  • Note that, if you have a Macbook, there are compatibility issues with the most recent upgrade of ZOOM, and other options should be explored.  Do you have a computer other than a Macbook?
  • Is there a camera?  Is it integrated, or is it an added accessory?
  • Are there a microphone and speaker?  Are they integrated, or are they added accessories?
  • The conference is a three-day event and you will need to ensure dependable access for that time.  Do you have a backup hardware platform that you can prepare, and use in case of problems?

c)     Installation of the Zoom software

The ZOOM client application (as opposed to the server application) can be downloaded from this site ( ).  Or, when you first access a meeting, you will be prompted to accept a download of the client software.  This must be installed on your computer, because the client application on your computer talks to the server application that is hosting the conference.  This installation must happen once, and then is good for the rest of the conference.

Have you downloaded the ZOOM client application and installed it on your computer?


a)    Zoom Fundamentals

In this section we are asking you to assess your level of experience, as may be needed when you participate in the ZOOM conference.  We hope to set up some practice sessions in advance of the date of start of the conference to give you opportunity to test your equipment and learn how to manage your presentation skills in ZOOM.

  • Have you accessed a ZOOM meeting with this computer? 
  • Have you accessed ZOOM by invitation with a link?
  • Have you accessed ZOOM by UID and password?  This would be only if you have an account and use ZOOM often.
  • Have you managed to get your camera, microphone and speakers on this computer working in a ZOOM meeting? 
  • Do you know how to mute and unmute your microphone?
  • Do you know how to manage the pictures of the other participants on your home screen, so that they do not block your view of your presentation slides?
  • Do you know how to respond to private messages (chats) from the session chair, or from the technical person?  This would normally only be needed when things are going wrong, but it is best to be prepared.
  • Do you know how to toggle between your shared screen for the presentation, and an unshared screen for live interaction during the question and answer period?

b)    Pre-recorded and Recorded presentations

This virtual conference will be different from normal in-person conferences.  We will have two ZOOM rooms (two meeting platforms) dedicated to the parallel sessions, and those MUST be vacated immediately at the end of a session, allowing for the next sessions’ chair and presenters to sign in, set up, and go very quickly.  Your presentation MUST fit into the time allocated for you.  Please practice your presentation and be careful to stay within your allocated time. 

Some presenters are considering a pre-recorded presentation, and switching to live format for questions and answers.  We are exploring how that option might be available.

Also, ZOOM includes a facility by which we can record all presentations.  It is our plan to do that.

  • Would you consider making a pre-recorded presentation, submitting it to us prior to the event, and then having it staged for you, so your only role on the day of the presentation would be to answer questions, if there are any?
  • Do you have any experience making video recordings (e.g. for YouTube or for other video outlets), such that you would find it easy to make such a video?
  • Do you have any objection if we record your presentation?
  • Would you prefer to pre-record your presentation and transmit it to us before the conference by FTP or Drop-Box?

Let us know how we are doing:

We gratefully accept all comments, criticisms and concerns related to this Checklist. Please let us know how we are doing at

We are trying for your best virtual conference experience. We hope you are too!