Thermodynamics 2.0 | 2022 Program: Sessions and Abstracts

Mon - Wed, July 18 - July 20 , 2022 , Boone, North Carolina

Session T0A : Invited and Lunch Talks

11:30-12:00. Monday July 18, 2022

Chair: Parker Dubee

Title: A View of Falsity in the Natural Science and Social Science/Humanities Dichotomy


  • Steve Hubbard



  • Steve Hubbard
  • Malcolm E Brown

(Lyndhurst, Burnthouse Lane, Toft Monks, Beccles, UK)

Abstract:T0A .158


Two systems currently dominate our species and our planet: science and art. Their influence dominates our global organisational and bureaucratic thinking and especially the education system from top to bottom. It is dominant not only in our “macro” global thinking but also in our “micro” attitude to each other in personal daily relationships.

We recognise the huge challenges to achieving an alternative based on inter-disciplinary studies and briefly consider the role of education and especially academia in this. The Laws of Thermodynamics have overwhelming and inescapable application in all aspects of human life, physical and social. Nevertheless our concerns remain that even they and other “truths” that have been and will be determined cannot escape being human constructs; we have no higher agreed authority than ourselves.

We emphasise the dangers of such duality in thinking and show that such a dichotomy is false. We develop our earlier model of all activity being on a “spectrum of instability.” We include recent evidence that may make the current “two perspectives” obsolete. We suggest one strategy to provide evidence about whether our human perspective is idiosyncratic.

.Keywords: instability, spectrum, dichotomy, science, art, thermodynamics