Thermodynamics 2.0 | 2022 Program: Sessions and Abstracts

Mon - Wed, July 18 - July 20 , 2022 , Boone, North Carolina

Session T07: Biology Cell and Evolution

10:45-12:00. Tuesday July 19, 2022

Chair: Folarin Oguntoyinbo

Title: Evolutionary Implications of the Collective Intelligence of Cells via Developmental Bioelectric Signaling


  • Michael Levin

(Allen Discovery Center at Tufts University, and Wyss Institute at Harvard, Boston, USA)


Michael Levin, Distinguished Professor in the Biology department and Vannevar Bush Chair, serves as director of the Tufts Center for Regenerative and Developmental Biology. His group's focus is on understanding the biophysical mechanisms that implement decision-making during complex pattern regulation, and harnessing endogenous bioelectric dynamics toward rational control of growth and form.


  • Michael Levin

(Allen Discovery Center at Tufts University, and Wyss Institute at Harvard, Boston, USA)



Central to the evolutionary process are the genes that are the target of random mutation and the body structure and function upon which selection acts. But the relationship between the genotype and the anatomy is not direct: body form arises as the action of the collective intelligence of cells navigating morphospace. Cells used to be independent organisms, and did not lose their basal intelligence when cooperating to form multicellular bodies. In this talk, I will describe examples of problem-solving by cellular collectives, and show the bioelectric mechanisms that serve as a kind of “cognitive glue” that enables them to act coherently toward specific physiological and anatomical goals. I will describe how these cellular competencies arise during evolution, and explore hypotheses about the many ways in which the intelligence of anatomical homeostasis impacts the rate and direction of evolutionary change. Each of us took the slow, gradual journey across the Cartesian Cut, starting out as a bag of chemicals (an unfertilized egg) and becoming a complex sentient being with self-awareness. This process, on both developmental and evolutionary timescales, offers a fascinating window into the ways in which evolution exploits physics and computation to scale ubiquitous minimal cognition into progressively larger minds.

Keywords: evolution, developmental biology, embryo, bioelectricity, regeneration, basal cognition